SPF Protection in Cloud Hosting
You're able to activate the SPF protection option for your domains with a couple of clicks inside the Hepsia Control Panel, which is included in all of our Linux cloud hosting packages. This is done via the section bearing the very same name and you are able to enable the protection for each domain part of our innovative cloud platform. Using a very user-friendly interface, all you have to type in is the hostname of the mail server which will be approved to send out messages from your email addresses and its IPv4 or IPv6 address. Of course, you're able to add several servers too, when needed. When your emails are taken care of by us, you can also take advantage of an even more secure option by putting a limit that e-mail messages can be sent only if your domains include our MX records. This option cannot be applied in case your web site is hosted here, and the emails are with some third-party provider. In either case, the SPF protection solution can definitely enhance your web security and stop other people from counterfeiting your email addresses.
SPF Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, that comes with our semi-dedicated packages, offers you an incredibly easy-to-use interface to activate the SPF protection service for every domain that you host in your new account. A few clicks in the Emails section of Hepsia are enough for that and you will only have to enter the hostname and the IP address of the mail server which will be allowed to send messages from your e-mail addresses. When the e-mails are handled by us and not by another supplier, you are able to boost the protection level even more and benefit from an option for all the outgoing email messages to be sent only if your domain names include our MX records. This option will give you more control and it will eliminate any chance of anybody counterfeiting your emails with the intention of spamming or scamming people. It is not applicable when only your website is hosted on our outstanding cloud web hosting platform, while your email addresses are managed by some other service provider. If you aren't sure what features to select, our tech support crew will assist you 24/7.