Typically customers consider just the features they're going to get with a given cloud hosting plan and end up forgetting something just as important - the service uptime. As efficient as a plan may be, frequent downtimes could lead to lower search engine ranking positions and lost potential customers no matter what the explanation for them might be. Not surprisingly, not a lot of people would come back to a website that's unavailable 50 % of the time, not mentioning the misused money when you have invested in a marketing campaign. For this reason, whenever you buy a new web hosting plan, you should ensure that the service will be stable and your sites will be online always. This means a boost in traffic, or in case that you've got an online store, for example, better uptime usually means happier clients.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Cloud Hosting

With a cloud hosting account through our company, you will be able to enjoy 99.9% server uptime. We've virtually eradicated the downtime due to the fact that we use an innovative cloud hosting platform and we do not handle everything on a single web server like most service providers do. As an alternative, we run each service on a separate cluster of servers, so your files, email messages, databases, etc, will be managed by separate servers. Thus, we are able to also balance the load way more efficiently and guarantee the stable functioning of your web sites at all times. The accessibility of the web servers is guaranteed by a few backbone Internet providers and diesel-powered backup generators, so your websites will be up and running no matter what. We also have administrators checking the web servers round the clock, which includes weekends and holidays, and they will take care of any unanticipated problem that might appear.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated server solutions offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee. As a matter of fact, you'll not detect any downtime or service interruptions at all because of the fact that we use a cutting edge cloud platform and instead of handling everything on a single server like most providers do, we have independent clusters of web servers that deal with each and every service - files, e-mail messages, Control Panel, databases, etc. We also have a customized load-balancing system, so our web hosting service is considerably more stable than what you would usually find available. To make certain that nothing will interrupt the work of your Internet sites, our server facilities have diesel powered backup generators and a few different Internet providers. We also have software and hardware firewalls to stop DDoS attacks and staff overseeing the web servers 24/7 to tackle any software issue that may appear.

Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Web Hosting

All of our Virtual Private Server plans include a 99.9% uptime guarantee. The stability and availability of the service is ensured by a number of Internet providers and diesel-powered backup generators. Additionally, we use new hardware for the physical servers where the VPS accounts are created to prevent any probability of hardware failure and each and every part has been tested carefully. The safety of your info is ensured by employing enterprise-level hard disks working in RAID and the uptime warranty time includes all maintenance procedures, so your Internet sites are going to be functioning basically without any disruptions. Our knowledgeable professionals will resolve immediately any software issue which may surface, so even if there is an issue with another virtual private server account on the physical server, your VPS isn't going to be affected. The web server uptime is listed on our website and not concealed in our Terms of Service given that we can keep our promise and provide you with an exceedingly stable hosting service.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Servers Hosting

When you obtain a dedicated server from us, we guarantee that it's going to be working at least 99.9% of the time. In the first place, your hosting server will be built with new and thoroughly tested hardware components and we will not do any compromises about it. Our data center in downtown Chicago offers powerful diesel backup generators, so even in the case of a power outage your server will still be operational and with a number of redundant Internet providers, your web sites are going to be available if there is any connectivity problem. In the event of any unanticipated circumstances, we've got experienced sysadmins which keep an eye on all hosting servers constantly and they can respond straight away to resolve the problem in a very timely manner. Last in sequence, but not last in importance, our servers have software and hardware firewalls to stop the unwelcome traffic when it comes to a DDoS attack.