Disk Space in Cloud Hosting
We've designed our Linux cloud hosting packages with the concept that the hdd space should never be an issue for your web sites. While many website hosting providers make accounts on a single server, and in fact, the most widespread Control Panels are designed to function solely on this type of platform, we have applied a different solution. We have clusters of servers that handle every single part of the website hosting service, to ensure that your files will be stored on a single cluster, the emails on another,your databases on a third one, etc. Through this cloud platform we accomplish a few things - the hard disk space is virtually inexhaustible because we're able link as many servers and hard disks to our clusters as needed, and we raise the efficiency of every single machine as only one kind of processes will run on it. This custom-built setup will help you improve your websites as much as you'd like without having to worry about running out of hard disk storage.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our semi-dedicated server packages have "disk space" as a feature simply to highlight that it's absolutely unlimited. We're able to reach that with the help of a groundbreaking, tailor-made cloud hosting system, where your files, emails and databases will be stored on individual clusters of servers. We can easily add additional hard disks or whole servers to any of the clusters and whenever necessary, and our web hosting Control Panel was designed to function with such a platform. In comparison, nearly all Control Panels on the hosting market can function only on one server, and irrespective of what many companies promote, they really make various accounts on a single machine. Using a semi-dedicated server plan through our company, you will never have to concern yourself with hdd space restrictions and you can direct your attention to expanding your web sites.
Disk Space in VPS Web Hosting
With our Linux VPS web hosting, we provide plenty of disk storage for your content that matches the rest of the server characteristics, so a higher package comes with a greater quota. You can use the storage space as you see fit, since there're no particular allocations for your site files, databases or emails - all of them share the entire storage space of the server. Of course, in case you prefer to have some limitations, you can acquire your VPS package with cPanel or DirectAdmin as the hosting Control Panel, and then you will be able to generate website hosting accounts with a fixed volume of disk space for every individual domain that you host on your server. If you require additional storage space at some point, you will be able to easily boost your package with a couple of mouse-clicks then the extra features will be included with your existing account, so that you will not be expected to migrate anything and all of your web sites will stay operational.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting
Selecting dedicated servers hosting packages you'll get all of the storage space that you'll need for your websites, databases, emails and applications. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage will be at your disposal and not shared with anyone else, so you can upload any data you need - site files, personal or company archive backups, and so on. You will get at least two hard disk drives that function well in RAID, so that one of the drives will mirror the other one in real time in order to guarantee that all your important data is always secured. If you like, you'll be able to use the HDDs independent of each other and use the whole space in any way you see fit. If required, you can also get extra hard drives added to the server and enjoy even greater storage space. You will have the option to set up web hosting accounts with pre-set hard disk storage allowances when you obtain the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the web hosting Control Panel. Selecting Hepsia, which is your third Control Panel alternative on the order page, all of the domain names hosted on the server will share the disk space and they'll be operated through one account. In either case, our dedicated packages will satisfy all your requirements no matter what kind of site you want to host.